“I want to farm, but I don’t own land.”


In the USA, there are:

  • 300,000 new farmers each year

  • 140,000 farms selling direct to consumer

  • 40,000 non-conventional food producers

  • 10,000 gardens in schools

Our mobile greenhouse and growing system requires no permits, few resources, and our inexpensive smart features make it easy for those without experience to operate at a professional level with a high production rate.

Our system is specifically designed for small quick-to-grow and easy-to-show crops like microgreens, seedlings, and berries.

Our Product is Evolving!

Find out what we’re improving for Version 2 and how we can customize your build. We are so excited to show you! Don’t wait too long to get involved.

As a new farmer, access to land and access to capital are probably your biggest challenges
There’s a bigger picture here, of elementary students not getting science education until they’re in middle school, maybe, or even high school, which is already the point at which kids have decided that they’re not good at science—that science is something for other kids, not for them. In low resource schools, there’s even less of a chance that kids are going to get meaningful, high quality science that feels relevant to them.
— Jane Hirschi | Founder at CitySprouts | Boston, MA
Approximately 14.9 cents of each U.S. dollar spent on domestically produced food in 2022 went to farms. The rest paid for costs beyond the farm gate, such as food processing, transportation, and advertising.
— USDA | Jan 31, 2024

We’re ready to deliver your Tiny Farm on Wheels.

Are you ready to have our help making a profit?